
How to Put Affordable in the Missing Middle

A new four-part webinar series presented by the School of Cities at University of Toronto, City Building TMU and ULI Toronto, February 6 to 9, 2023.

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Webinar Details

Part One: The “Missing Little” — A Renovation Revolution! Plus an introduction to the series

Creating the blueprint for simple, replicable designs that are cost effective and easy to deploy, Includes an introduction to the series

February 6:

  • Noon to 12:30 PM: An introduction to the series by Karen Chapple (School of Cities) and Cherise Burda (City Building TMU)

  • 12:30 PM to 1:45 PM: Panel discussion

Introducing the “Missing Little” – the opportunity to cost-effectively renovate the smaller-scale segment of the Missing Middle spectrum. How can we design and deliver units quickly and affordably to live in? Can we reduce construction costs by using less construction and simplified replicable plans? How do the numbers pencil out? With pre-panel presentation by Michael Piper.

Moderated by Michael Piper, Assistant Professor, John H. Daniels Faculty, University of Toronto

Participating Speakers: Kfir Gluzberg, Architect, Kilogram Studio; Janna Levitt, Founding Partner, LGA Architectural Partners; Jacob Sofer, Co-founder and CEO, Metrosuite; Rohan Walters, Principal Designer, Spaces by Rohan Inc.

Part Two: Busting through the Barriers to the Missing Little

The blueprint for the Missing Little is here; now let’s make way for the Renovation Revolution!

February 7, noon to 1 PM

In this session, we examine what needs to change, from bylaws to building code, to adopt replicable, simplified, cost-effective designs for “Missing Little” housing supply. What can we learn from leaders in other cities? How can a municipal one-stop shop make the whole process easy and cost effective, from financing to construction?

Moderated by Karen Chapple, Director, School of Cities, University of Toronto

Participating Speakers: Leith Moore, Co-Founder, R-Hauz Solutions; Denise Pinkston, President, The Casita Coalition , and Partner, TMG Partners; Bindu Shah, Strategic Lead, Planning, Town of Caledon; Eli Spevak, Owner, Orange Splot LLC

Part Three: Uptake vs. Affordability: What’s in it for the Homeowner?

Finding the balance between homeowner profits and affordable units

February 8, noon to 1 PM

Why would any homeowner want to go through a disruptive renovation and not charge as much market rent/sale price as possible? Can we create new innovations in financing and incentives to strike a balance between homeowner revenue and affordable units? And what is the potential role of the National Housing Strategy?

Moderated by Cherise Burda, Executive Director, City Building at Toronto Metropolitan University

Participating Speakers: Stewart Dutfield, Senior Project Manager, Environment and Climate Division, City of Toronto; Kira Gerwing, Chief Real Estate Investment Officer, Sacha Investments Ltd.; Marcel Greaux, Founder, Ownablii; Gracen Johnson, Senior Specialist, Innovation and Research, CMHC

Part Four: This Renovation Revolution Includes Equity

Ensuring up-zoned neighbourhoods don’t become exclusive

February 9, noon to 1 PM

How do we up-zone and gently increase the density of our neighbourhoods while promoting more inclusivity? How can Missing Middle policies and regulatory changes by municipalities and civic leaders facilitate equity and inclusion? Are there best practices and successful case studies that we can learn from?

Moderated by Cheryll Case, Founder and Director, CP Planning

Participating Speakers: Chazandra Kern, Founder, Office of Office; Paul Lewkowicz, Principal Planner, Housing Policy, Region of Peel; Sherry Taylor, Interim Executive Director, Durham Community Land Trustees